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Popularity of funeral service rooms in 2021

Popularity of funeral service rooms in 2021

Choosing to have a funeral in a funeral director’s service room offers a range of added benefits to families, especially during the current climate where social distancing is still in force and limits to attendees is a changing picture. The scope of choice is no...
What should I wear to a funeral?

What should I wear to a funeral?

It’s a question we get asked frequently so James Morris, our MD, provides some helpful pointers. In my 30 years of funeral arranging, trends have come and gone as have fashion highs and lows. But one rule remains as important today as it was when I started out....
What to do with Mum’s ashes?

What to do with Mum’s ashes?

Whether you’re in the midst of arranging a funeral or immediately after, the challenge of what to do with the ashes of a loved one is often the final hurdle in, what may have felt like a marathon of decisions. In this blog we explore the different options to consider....
The real cost of funerals

The real cost of funerals

Before the coronavirus pandemic, funeral poverty had dominated headlines, prompting a review by both UK and Scottish Governments and the CMA (Competition and Markets Authority) into the sector. In this blog, managing director James Morris, explains why clarity and...
Planning ahead and how we can help

Planning ahead and how we can help

According to the 2020 Sun Life Cost of Dying report, only 1% of respondents knew what their loved one wanted for their funeral. We see families struggle to make decisions on a daily basis without that knowledge. But we can help. Using our free checklist of questions,...